
Welcome to the official blog of AMDA at Auburn University.

This blog was created to showcase the creative talent within the Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and give students a platform to express themselves. Enjoy!

Making the Most of Rainy Days

Making the Most of Rainy Days

On rainy summer days whenever it’s impossible to lay out and tan or go on summer picnics, I often feel stuck inside with nothing to do. So what do I do? I cozy up with a blanket and a cup of coffee… and I tidy up my digital workspace. Between classes, my styling internship, design projects and other work my digital space has become a complete wreck and is in desperate need of a refresh. Here is a complete list of all the things I tackle when I declutter my laptop, as well as some helpful links that go into more detail about the process.

 You don’t have to get it under control all at once. Pick one area at a time that you really want to focus on, and pretty soon your entire laptop will be the most organized thing you’ve ever seen.  


  • Files  

    • I sort mine into folders, subfolders, and sub-subfolders for maximum organization. 

    • For example: Auburn University - Junior Spring Semester - CADS 1740 - Design Project 1 - Moodboard Photos 

    • I know this sounds like an excessive number of files, but it makes things SUPER easy to find! Doing this with literally every project will make your life so much easier. 

    • Make sure you use a uniform naming system and erase any files you no longer need while you’re at it. 

    • Customize your file finder sidebar by pinning folders to it for easier access to the files you use the most. 

    • Check out this video for a more detailed tutorial: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGEmX1YRodc)  

  • Desktop 

    • When saving files, skip the Desktop! Storing files here looks messy and cluttered and can easily overwhelm you. Take the time to move these files to your newly organized folders or create new folders and subfolders for them. 

    • Skip Downloads too! File these where they belong for quick access. 

    • Remove any unused programs from your computer while you’re at it. 

    • Create an aesthetic background for your newly empty desktop! A mood-board or a photo you really love will put you in a brighter mood every time you open your laptop.

  • Photos 

    • I organize my photos similarly to how I organize my files, using parent folders and subfolders. 

    • Mine typically look like this: 2020 Photos - Fall Semester 2020 - October 2020  

    • I also have folders for specific photoshoots from apparel projects such as “Dove Gown Photoshoot”, as well as photos of one person like cute pics of my boyfriend, etc. 

    • Always have your photos backed up to a flash drive, even if you use the cloud. 

    • Check out this article for more detailed photo organizing advice: (https://www.bwillcreative.com/how-to-organize-photos-on-your-computer/

  • Emails 

    • Go crazy erasing every email you don’t need! I go through them once a week and erase any I don’t need. 

    • While you are erasing, don’t forget to unsubscribe from any email threads you no longer want to receive!  

    • For a more advanced email organization system, I use Gmail’s label and filter system and I absolutely love it. Check out this article for a detailed explanation: (https://support.google.com/a/users/answer/9308833?hl=en) and HERE is a YouTube video that is super helpful: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuTJRvjYzlQ)  

  • Browser Bookmarks 

    • I use the Google Chrome browser, but other browsers also have the bookmark feature. 

    • Sort bookmarked sites into different folders (School, Fashion, Recipes, Social Media etc.)  

    • As you go, erase bookmarks that you no longer need. 

    • HERE is a YouTube video that is super helpful: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pILjLVJgi7s)  

  • Clean Up Your Feeds (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) 

    • I typically do this once a year to make sure my social media presence is current and represents where I am and my current skill set.

    • For your feed, archive or erase posts that no longer represent you. 

    • Update your bio’s so that they include what you are currently working on. 

    • Check the photos you are tagged in and remove yourself from photos/posts you no longer want on your social media profile.  

    • Go through your story highlights and erase or re-organize as needed. 

    • For LinkedIn 

      • Update your information and workplace 

      • Share any new publications or features 

      • Erase info or posts that are no longer relevant to you 

      • Connect with new contacts! 

Traveling Abroad Tips: Packing Edition

Traveling Abroad Tips: Packing Edition

Traveling Abroad Tips: Plane Night Routine Edition

Traveling Abroad Tips: Plane Night Routine Edition