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Traveling Abroad Tips: Plane Night Routine Edition

Traveling Abroad Tips: Plane Night Routine Edition

Whether you’re a student studying abroad, or just planning on taking a fun trip overseas, you may be faced with the overwhelming experience of getting ready for a glamorous night of vertical sleeping in an airplane seat.  

 I know that when I was packing my small nighttime bag for my carry on, I was stressed. Not only was I arriving in a country with a group of 21 other girls who I had not met, but I also wanted to make the best first impression on them when I arrived in Italy. Sleeping on a red-eye flight from ATL to Rome is not a glamorous experience, so I made sure to add some oomph to my overnight trip by adding in some products that would make me feel more relaxed and refreshed.  

 1. An Eye Mask

There is nothing worse than trying to sleep on an overnight flight and having your travel companion constantly have their light on to read or play on their phone. My favorite eye mask is this silk eye mask by Slip.

2. Facial Spray/Toner Spray

Having a water to spritz on your face when you start getting dry, or when a protective mask has made your face feel gross after too many hours traveling, is a necessity! I use it on my beauty blender and as a setting spray to keep my makeup natural and my skin glowing.  

3. Dr. Dennis Gross Peel Pads

This is one of my all-time favorite products, despite the harsher chemical smell, and my sensitive skin loves it! It’s a great alternative to washing your face on an overnight flight and is a two-step exfoliate/tone process that includes hydration which is crucial on a plane with all the dry air.  

4. Clear Cosmetic Bag

Not as exciting as the others but this recommendation is a must! Pulling liquids out of a carry on is enforced at most airports and having an easy transparent bag to hold all your things in one place is one of the best hacks. Forget a ziplock bag and opt for a fun embroidered clear case or a simplistic cosmetic pouch to hold those essentials with style!  

5. Toothbrush & Mouthwash

It sounds so simple right? I will tell you now, the amount of people I meet who forget to put their tooth brush in their carry on is alarming. For me, the ritual of brushing my teeth before sleep literally triggers my brain into making me more tired, which is an added bonus! Bring that mouth wash too- you will be so thankful when you wake up the next morning in a new place and don’t have the taste of the airplane dinner from the night before in your mouth! 

Of course, you should bring your favorite snacks, sweatshirt, and something to keep you entertained as well! A melatonin gummy never hurts-  it honestly saved me and allowed me to sleep for 2 extra hours on the trans-atlantic flight.  

Every weekend trip I go on, my bag and products tend to change a bit, but for the most part these five items are always with me and within my reach! I hope these tips can help you on your next excursion!  


Sara Kunkel 


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