
Welcome to the official blog of AMDA at Auburn University.

This blog was created to showcase the creative talent within the Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and give students a platform to express themselves. Enjoy!

Managing Editor - Staff Spotlight

Managing Editor - Staff Spotlight

Meet Sara Kunkel! She is a junior in apparel merchandising and is serving as the Managing Editor for SWATCH this year. She started as an ambassador for SWATCH in the Spring of 2021, and we are so excited to continue working with her. She is a key part of our staff and we are so thankful for her dedication to her work behind the scenes! Head over to our Instagram (@swatchbyamda) to catch up with Sara as well as her personal Instagram account @sara.kunkel! Read below to learn more about our fabulous Managing Editor!

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Tell us about yourself!

Hi! I’m Sara Kunkel and I am SWATCH’s Managing Editor this year. I am studying apparel merchandising with a minor in journalism. I grew up outside of D.C. in Northern VA but now reside with my family in Orlando FL. 

What does your dream job in fashion look like?

My dream job in fashion would have to be working within the realm of fashion journalism. I would love to create, write and style for magazines and/or PR companies’ and their representative brands.

What inspired you to study fashion in college & why?

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Ever since I can remember I’ve always been infatuated with clothes, aesthetics, details, and the written word. I love to read and write equally as much as I love fashion and styling so apparel merchandising and journalism just made perfect sense to me. I felt called to this major ever since I considered college academia and I’m so happy I’ve found it! 

What are you most excited about for SWATCH this upcoming school year?

This year I’m excited to start building up SWATCH’s brand identity, getting more people’s voices heard, and having more involvement on campus. This is such a special platform and I think with the amazing team we have this year SWATCH is going to thrive! 

Check out Sara’s Pinterest board and Spotify playlist below, as well as her LinkedIn page! We can’t wait to see Sara’s work on the blog this year. Be sure to keep an eye out for more Q&A’s with our staff coming soon!

Eating Healthy with a Sweet Tooth

Eating Healthy with a Sweet Tooth

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