
Welcome to the official blog of AMDA at Auburn University.

This blog was created to showcase the creative talent within the Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and give students a platform to express themselves. Enjoy!

I Made the TikTok Feta Pasta

I Made the TikTok Feta Pasta



By now, you’ve probably seen the “baked feta pasta” trend taking over TikTok, a recipe that supposedly has temporarily drained Finland of its feta supplies. I’m a self-proclaimed pasta connoisseur, so I automatically feel inclined to try any raved-about pasta recipe. This past weekend I invited some friends over and cooked the feta pasta. 

Right off the bat, my main comment about the recipe is that it does not make a lot. I doubled the recipe to feed everyone, and my guests still had to have small portions. If you decide to make this pasta, take that into consideration and plan accordingly when buying ingredients. In the future, I’ll probably triple or maybe even quadruple the recipe just because everyone ended up loving it and wanting more. 

I’m personally not the greatest chef (but I clearly can make a mean bowl of pasta), and I prefer very low effort recipes. This was exactly that. Prep time was barely even five minutes to rinse off the tomatoes, place everything in the casserole dish, and add seasonings. This recipe spends the majority of its time (40 minutes in my case) in the oven cooking, which I felt was perfect. This meant dinner could be cooking while I enjoyed spending time with my guests instead of being sequestered in the kitchen. Because of this, the feta pasta is the perfect dish for a dinner party or a night you’re just too tired to cook; it is especially perfect for students who want to cook hearty meals but don't feel like they have the capabilities. 

This dish is one that will be added to my rotation of go-to dishes for years to come. I loved the simplicity and versatility of it. Next time I make it, I’m going to attempt different cheeses aside from feta. I saw a TikTok of someone making it with goat cheese, which I found incredibly appealing. Overall, this recipe gets a 10/10. If you want to make it truly guilt-free, you can swap out the pasta for zucchini noodles; regardless, it’s a super healthy dish that tasted incredible. (I’ll just choose not to acknowledge the bag of parmesan cheese I dumped onto it.)

Follow this link for the recipe I used: https://www.recipe-diaries.com/baked-feta-pasta/

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