
Welcome to the official blog of AMDA at Auburn University.

This blog was created to showcase the creative talent within the Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and give students a platform to express themselves. Enjoy!

Defining Beauty

Defining Beauty

Google defines beauty as “a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight”. 

Growing up, many of us saw beauty through a cookie-cutter lens and the moment we fell short of the standard held by our favorite celebrities or idols, we questioned ourselves. This goes without saying but it's true: everyone falls short.   

We have been conditioned to think that conformity is beauty while standing out and breaking the mold is what truly allows us to be authentically beautiful. We do the same thing with popularity. Why? Because we are conditioned to think that being extroverted is more beautiful than being introverted. Comparison is the thief of joy, and we must fight these lies. Easier said than done, I know, but something as small as acknowledging it’s okay to be different, is a step in the right direction.  

Unique physical attributes are beautiful but so is selflessness, courage, integrity, loyalty, empathy, genuineness and resilience. Your character is what defines your beauty, not your appearance! Beauty has no boundaries.  

I asked 12 people how they define beauty, here is what they said: 

  • “The ability to project “light” from within.” 

  • “In my opinion, beauty is a subjective concept that consists of specific characteristics that appeal to an individual. Although I have grown up hearing the old cliche “beauty is in the eye of the beholder,” I only recently grasped the meaning and truth within that statement. The qualities that one perceives as beautiful may differ entirely from those of another. With that being said, I consider a person to possess true beauty when he or she radiates love, authenticity, self-worth, humility, and integrity.” 

  • “Beauty is the contents of a person’s character.” 

  • “I think everything can be beautiful if the right person is looking at it… but for me I find something beautiful if it has something that stands out and almost feels like it has a brighter energy.”   

  • “I think beauty is a combination of things that are pleasing to a person. Some of the most beautiful things to me are the untouched parts of this earth…” 

  • “Kindness. Being loyal. Caring. Loving.” 

  • “When I see someone being their authentic self and expressing it through their clothing, accessories, and body language, I see beauty. I find beauty in others when I feel like I can see into their personality without actually knowing them at all. I think individuality is beauty.” 

  • “A beautiful person is someone who is genuine towards other and intentional in their words and actions, who lift those around them up.” 

  • “People can be fashionable and look good, but style is not just something you possess it’s something you are born with. It is a more thoughtful process. People with style just effervesce grace and beauty. But you also have to be kind. People with bad attitudes, their beauty is just stricken away from them, and it ruins them.” 

  • “I define beauty as not only something that pleases the eye but something that evokes emotion. Also, something that stands out from the norm.” 

  • “I think I would say that beauty is categorized in two ways: physical and internal. Physical beauty is really just appealing to look but is definitely in the eye of the beholder, as someone can love one type of flower, and another hate it. It whatever the viewer sees to be interesting or good to look at, something they want to see. On the other hand, internal beauty come from the idea that internally you have a good heart and guide yourself by a good set of morals. Internal beauty in my opinion comes from the desire to not harm other people, emotionally or physically, but rather push others to be their best selves!”  

  • “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” 

How do you define beauty? 

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Queen Elizabeth II: Her Role in Fashion

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