
Welcome to the official blog of AMDA at Auburn University.

This blog was created to showcase the creative talent within the Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and give students a platform to express themselves. Enjoy!

College Summer Stamina

College Summer Stamina

Staying motivated over the summer can be tough especially if you don’t have a set routine or are constantly changing routines throughout the season. It’s also difficult to stay on top of things at home when the warm weather is luring you outside. Here are a few ways to stay motivated and be productive so you can do everything you want this summer.

Goal making

Throughout the year I tend to list things that I want to do and then say, “I’ll do that this summer when I have more time” knowing that I will either forget about it or lose interest later. Making goals can be a great way to start the summer and it can even be done throughout the year or leading up to the summer months. It’s also helpful to keep track of these goals and write them down for future reference so you can remember everything you need or want to do.

Keeping up the stamina

Making goals means nothing if you don’t put in the effort to work towards them. Finishing a school year can be draining and it can be tempting to lay in bed, however, keeping up with little tasks can help you ease into a summer routine while getting the rest you crave. Household chores, staying active, cooking meals, and even going out and being social are just a few things that will help build a summer routine. It could also be helpful to recognize your previous habits and try to imitate or alter them to a schedule that fits your summer schedule, job, or lifestyle. You can use these personal habits as a base routine for wherever the summer takes you.

Making plans

Just like setting goals, making plans is very important. Not everybody is a planner but getting something on the calendar even if it is scheduling an event later in the same day can help you feel more organized and on top of things. Personally, if I have plans set then I am ten times more likely to do it than if I don’t have plans at all. This also gives you something to look forward to later. 

Getting it all done

As mentioned, going through with everything you want to do for the summer is the goal, but it can be difficult. The first step here is prioritizing any goals or plans because you may not be able to do it all in one summer. It could also be helpful to split up smaller tasks from larger ones so you can determine how much time or effort you need. Next, it’s important that you have that base routine down, especially if you have a new work schedule to adjust to or know your schedule will be shifting throughout the summer. Having a routine to go back to and reset can make all the difference. Lastly, holding yourself accountable for even the smallest tasks can keep you motivated. Without school deadlines or scheduled weekend events, it can be easy to let go and not care but holding yourself accountable is a simple way to avoid falling into a summer slump. 

Don’t stress

Summer is still a time to relax, reset, and have fun. Don’t forget to do your favorite things, go on adventures, hangout with your friends and take care of yourself. If you don’t get everything done that you want, it’s okay and those goals will still be there for you when you get to them. It can be difficult to go on social media and see everyone’s summer pictures. You may start to compare the quality of your own summer. However, it’s important to remember that those are the highlights of their summer and not the entirety of it. Everyone’s summer is different and yours can be whatever you make of it. 

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