Apparel Mart Survival Guide
And What It’s Like Working at the Atlanta Apparel Mart
Working at any apparel mart is an exciting but extremely overwhelming opportunity. I had the chance to work through a temporary staffing agency this past October at the Atlanta Apparel Mart. It was my first mart, so I really didn’t know what to expect but learned quite a lot. Working at the mart is worthwhile for many reasons, but one notable way is the real-world industry experience it offers, which is also eye-catching on a resume. If you ever get the chance to be a part of any apparel mart, don’t pass that opportunity up!
Here are some valuable tips to get you through a week of working at an apparel mart:
Photo contributed by Olivia Smith
1. Show up on time and display a good work ethic.
Photo contributed by Olivia Smith
Most vendors want you at your booth around 8:30 a.m., so you can expect to be waking up pretty early that week. Atlanta traffic is no joke, and you don’t want that to make you late. One thing you may notice is that some girls who work mart get ready in the bathroom after they arrive for the day; while this is a clever idea and may save you time to sleep, I was worried about how much time there would be to get ready per arrival. You also must account for the time it takes to pay for parking, get coffee/breakfast, go to the bathroom, etc., so allow yourself more time than you may think you’ll need. Some girls I talked to even suggested showing up early just to walk around and look at all the booths (I wish I had done this). As hard as it is to get up early, you’ll be less stressed out if you manage your time well in the morning and leave wiggle room. Additionally, you must show up sporting a good work ethic, including a positive attitude first thing in the morning. You’ll definitely be tired as the week progresses, but you must remain outgoing and bubbly nevertheless. You never know who will stop by your booth, and you’ll want to give a good impression by constantly showing your best self. Keeping a positive and professional attitude is crucial, so don’t let any little things bring you down during the day. Be encouraging, open minded, and teachable throughout the week. You will deal with all kinds of people and make all kinds of mistakes (especially if it’s your first mart), but keeping a positive attitude throughout is of utmost importance.
2. Create a positive experience for your buyer.
Working at mart is essentially like working in a retail store; I have three years of experience working in a clothing store, so the concept of creating an experience for a buyer wasn’t unusual to me. However, this concept is crucial at mart even though it can go unsaid. Some key tips to remember are to ask them about what they’re buying for, their target market, where they’re from, and their overall mart experience so far- ask them about their personal lives! I had a buyer from a boutique in Montgomery, AL, and we had an entire conversation about Auburn and Alabama’s football seasons, which eventually led to her offering me a job. Every booth will ask them typical business questions, so do what you can to stand out from other vendors. Educating them on shipping dates, what is selling well, and what sizes/colors are available are additional beneficial talking points as well. My vendors also provided drinks, snacks, and even free lunch each day in their booth to entice buyers to place orders. Not every vendor will not do this, but the point was to create a positive atmosphere.
Photo contributed by Olivia Smith
Photo contributed by Olivia Smith
3. Prepare for each day.
There are so many items you should bring with you each day that may not initially be on your radar. Each day I brought a few different pairs of pants or tops if the company I represented asked me to wear one of their items once I arrived at mart for the day. Bringing a few pairs of shoes and wearing thick socks helps as well. I started out each day with cute but extremely uncomfortable shoes and found myself changing them throughout the day. Of course, you’ll want to bring your typical makeup and hair accessories, pain medication (your back and feet will hurt), a water bottle, snacks, a phone charger, cash (some vendors sell their samples for cheap at the end of the week- don’t miss out on this!), jewelry, and any other small essentials. One of the most important preparations you can incorporate is to get good rest each night and eat breakfast in the mornings. Other ways to make the week more successful are to drink coffee, make friends with the people you’re working with, elevate your feet at night, and breathe! It’s a busy but fun week, but with these steps you’re capable of being successful!
If you’re on the fence about working at mart, I hope this article encourages you to try it.
It is overwhelming but so much fun, and you really don’t have much to lose. If you’re with a staffing agency you might even get paid and have the chance to work marts in other cities. It is real-world work experience that you wouldn’t get in a classroom and a great opportunity to network. Working an apparel mart is a unique way to learn and grow in the fashion industry, so don’t miss out!