
Welcome to the official blog of AMDA at Auburn University.

This blog was created to showcase the creative talent within the Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and give students a platform to express themselves. Enjoy!

Why Companies Need Interns

Why Companies Need Interns

It’s no secret that students can gain a lot from partaking in internships - they provide excellent opportunities for people to learn first-hand about their chosen careers from professionals in the field. And while these are great learning experiences, what exactly do companies gain from taking on interns? This article features the top reasons why businesses opt for teaching these eager learners.

For the most part, companies hire interns to scout fresh talent for potential future employees. Many internships are seen as trial runs to determine whether a person would be a solid fit in their workforce. If a business is impressed by the hard work, capabilities, and initiative of an intern, then it is likely that they will grant a job offer in return. This is a practice that has been used by higher-ups for centuries to sort through those who simply sought an education versus those who have a drive for their career, hence why it is becoming more and more common for schools to require an internship before graduation.

Internships also occur to gain a new perspective from younger generations. Businesses, both new and established, are always looking for the latest viewpoints on what’s trending, especially in the fashion industry. This field is constantly changing, so keeping up with the times is essential for a brand to ensure it doesn’t get left behind. Many internships will create special projects for interns to help solve real-world problems that companies themselves are struggling with. Taking on insight from the age groups that make up a large chunk of their consumers is a smart business decision and simultaneously lets students make real impacts on the future.

Another reason companies will create internships is to be able to give back to their communities. A lot of program directors will set aside open positions for people who either attended their alma mater or who they know personally as a way to provide opportunities for the same groups who supported them in their journey. Making connections and having an “in” for an internship program is a common method in securing one of these roles, and it further stresses the importance of enhancing your network.

These examples are a handful of the many reasons why businesses create internships. While these programs are essential for students to further their education and apply their skills to real-life scenarios, companies also benefit greatly from teaching the youth the ins and outs of their career fields. 

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