
Welcome to the official blog of AMDA at Auburn University.

This blog was created to showcase the creative talent within the Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and give students a platform to express themselves. Enjoy!

An Inside Look at Daily Drills with Gwennyth Stone

An Inside Look at Daily Drills with Gwennyth Stone

I’ve gotten many awesome career-related questions from current and prospective fashion students over the past several months, mainly about what the internship process looks like and what to expect from the experience! Here is an in-depth look at the internship experience of one of my sweet friends and fellow design students, Gwennyth Stone.

Which design company are you interning with and where are they located? Tell us all about them!

I am currently interning for Daily Drills, an LA based lifestyle clothing brand. Daily Drills pieces are made using high-quality fabrics and fashion-forward fits, inspiring playfulness, and endless styling possibilities. Currently, Daily Drills has customers across America, and have just expanded shipping internationally. Daily Drills intentionally garment dyes all their pieces to achieve a more dimensional and vintage look. With a people and product-first approach, Daily Drills livens up getting dressed by paying attention to the details and blurring the lines between workout-, lounge- and business-wear (and everything in between). Today Daily Drills is a fully online brand, growing rapidly, with only 4 full time employees, not including us interns. I've learned more from founders Kennedy and Mary Ralph than I ever imagined!

What does your morning routine look like when preparing for the workday?

Typically, my mornings preparing for the workday look like waking up in my townhouse in Malibu, doing my makeup and browsing Tik Tok or Instagram for outfit inspiration for the day, making a smoothie, and driving into LA to our office! I will usually put on some encouraging music in the car to get my day started since my drive is a little bit of a commute!

What kind of tasks do you typically work on or complete in a day?

A typical workday at Daily Drills looks like getting to the office, going over my housekeeping check-list for the day, processing and packing orders, planning and strategizing our Tik Toks for the week, planning drop events, coming up with social media and design briefs, and attending weekly design meetings!

What does the atmosphere of your workplace look like?

I'm so lucky to be working in such an amazing atmosphere this summer! Our founders are amazing and I get to work directly under them every day! There are two other full time hires that make my time here so amazing! It really is like a family and I'm going to miss them so much. They have believed in me and taken me under their wing! I couldn't have asked for a better workplace environment.

How do you spend your free time on off days?

I spend most of my free time on the beach, hiking, exploring Malibu, or shopping in LA! I have absolutely loved getting to live in Malibu and commuting to work. I love being able to get out of the LA noise. Most days after work I head straight to the beach or meet up with friends at a cool restaurant! It is the most ideal situation.

Which classes prepared you the most for this internship?

I would say Apparel Engineering and CADS 3750 were the two classes that prepared me most for this internship. I felt almost over-prepared for this internship which is the best spot to be in!

If you could go back and spend more time on a design topic to be more prepared for this internship, what topic would you choose?

I would say entrepreneurship. I felt so over-prepared for the design aspect but a little underprepared for the business aspect of running a small business. Daily Drills, although rapidly growing, is still a smaller startup business, so understanding business is still extremely important, especially since I would love to start my own brand one day.

Is there an experience in your internship so far that has introduced you to a new part of the industry that you were not previously familiar with? Did this broaden your career interests or narrow them down more?

I have gotten to work a lot on building the Daily Drills brand on social media platforms which has taught me SO much about marketing a brand and appealing to a target market. This has really broadened my skills and has given me the ability to look for certain things in competing companies as well. I would say a brand's socials are some of the most important aspects of the business because that's where the most growth happens.

Please reach out to me for anything career-related, or if you have any more questions for Gwennyth! I hope this has answered some of the questions you have in regard to apparel internships. Thanks for reading, and happy interning!

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