
Welcome to the official blog of AMDA at Auburn University.

This blog was created to showcase the creative talent within the Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and give students a platform to express themselves. Enjoy!

A Look Into the Modeling Industry

A Look Into the Modeling Industry

Over the summer, I had the amazing opportunity to be a counselor at a summer camp. It allowed me to meet all kinds of new people from all over the place. More specifically, it allowed me to meet Madison Doss, another counselor who has been modeling for four years now. I was able to sit down with her and learn some tips for aspiring models and people looking to get into the modeling industry that I want to share!!


How did you get into modeling?

“I had multiple people offer to sign me since I was thirteen. When I was sixteen, though, I was at a Taylor Swift concert in Nashville, Tennessee, and a woman from AMAX Scouting & Development ran up to my mom to give her an agency card. The next day, my mom and I met with the agent, I signed to AMAX in Nashville, and I’ve been working ever since!”

What’s your experience with modeling?

“While I am still signed with AMAX, I also signed with Select Global Model Management. I’ve worked in the United States and in Europe. I have done runway shows and ads. When I was seventeen, I was able to live and work in Italy for a month!”

Would you recommend signing with more than one agency like you have?

“It’s better to sign with multiple because one agency might not have bases in different areas of a country. Each agency opens more doors for you.”

What was it like living in Italy?

“It was incredible! I was seventeen when I went along and lived in Milan at a model apartment. It was scary, yet it gave me a lot of confidence. It was probably the best time of my life.”

What are some tricks you’ve learned from being in the fashion industry?

“I’m not too sure about specifics, but one thing I did learn is that the designers do not care about a universal size chart. They honestly make up sizes. For one brand, a size six could be a size two for another brand.”

What are your tips for any aspiring models?

“As cheesy as it sounds, be confident and be yourself. Go out and grab opportunities. If you’re not signed to an agency, there are always ways to submit your photos. Never let anyone talk down to you about your body. That’s your business. Lastly, make friends! They will get you far.” 

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Bye-Bye Backpack. Hello Tote Bag

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