
Welcome to the official blog of AMDA at Auburn University.

This blog was created to showcase the creative talent within the Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and give students a platform to express themselves. Enjoy!

2021 Travel Essentials

2021 Travel Essentials

Travel is back. Covid-19 restrictions are now being lifted and everyone is taking advantage of it.  It is now time for young people to get out into the world. Living through a pandemic, whatever your age, really makes you realize what kind of life you were living before the pandemic. Maybe you were a homebody before the pandemic. Now is the time to take advantage of cheap flights and cities opening up. Before you go into the world there are a few things you may need while traveling. Here is a list of must-have essentials for traveling. 

Hand Sanitizer 

Hand sanitizer has always been a travel essential, even before the pandemic. If we learned anything from the pandemic, it is to take care of ourselves and our health. Hand sanitizer is an easy way to keep germs away and stop the spread of anything bad. 


Whether you are traveling to the beach or going skiing, sunscreen is a must. Protecting your skin is a must for aging and prevention. 

Travel Bag

Everyone needs a great travel bag to keep all of their essentials in. Many bag companies make travel specific bags and have travel specific lines. Take advantage of sales and deals they are having even if you are not traveling soon. Everyone needs a handy travel bag. I recommend looking into a company called Beis. 

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A Book

A great and intriguing book can take you anywhere. When traveling you never know where you will end up or what you may encounter. Your flight may be delayed, so carrying a great book is sure to entertain you. I recommend investing in a kindle or getting the kindle app on your phone. This way you can bring it with you everywhere and transition between books. 

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Headphones are a must for traveling. Whether it is listening to music or watching a movie, headphones are a great way to pass the time.  

A Look Into the Modeling Industry

A Look Into the Modeling Industry

Skin Care SOS : for Sudden Breakouts

Skin Care SOS : for Sudden Breakouts