
Welcome to the official blog of AMDA at Auburn University.

This blog was created to showcase the creative talent within the Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and give students a platform to express themselves. Enjoy!

Zoom Interviews 101

Zoom Interviews 101

We’ve all adjusted to a new normal in today’s world. The term “zoom” has taken on a whole new meaning. In fact, many companies are taking a new approach to interviews--Zoom calls. Now we could talk about the pros and cons about Zoom interviews for hours, but no matter your stance, it’s important to know the basics of nailing an interview over a video chat. 


First and foremost, lighting is everything!!! Interviewers gather an impression about you within the first few seconds you both meet. You can either hurt or help your first impression with lighting. Bright, clean lighting shows that you are professional, neat, and put together. Dark, fuzzy lighting shows the exact opposite. The best lighting for interviews when video calling is bright and white. You can get this from either direct sunlight or other light sources. It may sound silly, but a ring light would be the perfect source to clean up yourself and your background. For one interview, I remember even setting up a lamp right behind my laptop so that it would provide the same effect. 


Speaking of backgrounds, you’ll want to make sure yours is tidy and not too overpowering. When it comes to decorations on the wall, less is more. Additionally, if you do have things hanging up, make sure they are appropriate for the interview and that they give off a professional attitude. Furthermore, people or pets should not be roaming around in the background or making any noise that could distract the interviewer. If they were to make an appearance, it may give off the impression that you are not completely focused.

How you present yourself is still one of the most important aspects of an interview. Even though you are still at home, you should dress like you are sitting in the interviewer’s office. Not only that, but your attire should match that of the company, whether it be business casual, business professional, or casual. Now granted, wearing pajama pants is encouraged as long as your legs are not visible. 

In a normal interview, you would obviously want to make eye contact whenever speaking to the interviewer, and the same is for Zoom calls. It is imperative to look into the camera and not at yourself when on the call. Furthermore, you should speak clearly so that the computer can pick up on exactly what you are saying, and you should pick a location that is quiet and has good acoustics. The location also needs to have a reliable, strong wireless or internet connection. There would be nothing more devastating than not getting a job due to simple technological difficulties. Finally, do not forget to smile. Interviewing for jobs is exciting, and your face should be one that is inviting and enthusiastic about getting to talk with the interviewer.


We’re all getting adjusted to society’s new normal, and while businesses are slowly going back to their old ways, many other companies are sticking strong with social distancing. Therefore, we must be prepared so that we can still crush our interviews, whether they be online or in person. 

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