
Welcome to the official blog of AMDA at Auburn University.

This blog was created to showcase the creative talent within the Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and give students a platform to express themselves. Enjoy!

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

When I signed up for the JSB Auburn Abroad Program my freshman year of college, I had no idea what was in store for me. All I could think of were the sights I would get to see and the places I would get to travel to, but I did not account for the growth I would experience during my time abroad. I did not account for the independence and confidence I would gain, and most importantly, I did not account for all the change I would encounter, externally and internally.  

 First off, prior to these past three months I’ve spent living in Italy, I had never traveled outside of the U.S. In some ways, this made me fearful because not only was I a stranger to Italy, but I was a stranger to the 16 other girls traveling abroad with me. As I’m writing this back in America, reminiscing on my experience, I wouldn’t have wanted to study abroad any other way. Being a stranger to all the people, places, and things that surrounded me was like being a kid again. I got to experience things for the first time. I got to make new friends and let people get to know me without having any preconceptions of who I was or what I was like. It was truly rejuvenating, and I grew so much during it all. If you’re thinking about going on the JSB Program or studying abroad in general, do it! However, know these two things: 

  1. When people say, “time flies when you’re having fun,” they mean it. Before you know it, you will be spending your last weekend abroad with some of the most special friends you could make.  

  2. Every second and everyday abroad will not be perfect, and that is okay. “Real life” is still happening, and even if you’re in the most beautiful and amazing place in the world, you will still have those moments where you feel down.  

I saw firsthand how fast time flies, but I found that it was one of the most valuable moments of my life because I didn’t take a single second for granted. I learned that nothing can be consistently perfect but that it wasn’t a bad thing. I found that when I felt homesick, I was lucky to have people and places to miss so much. I found that when I felt let down or sad, I was learning and growing through those feelings and experiences. I even found that when I felt insecure or not confident in myself, I was experiencing a moment of change and self-reflection, and it is a good thing to be uncomfortable sometimes. 

 However, despite all of that, Italy was truly a dream. It is everything you would think it to be and nothing like it, all at the same time. Pasta is simpler than you would think, Italians do get upset when you don’t clean your plate, and you will get addicted to morning cappuccinos. Americans are actually the loud ones, not Italians, and meals are meant to be enjoyed, not just eaten. Those are a mere few of all the peculiar things I discovered during my travels abroad, and since I cannot fully describe what Italy is like and probably never be able to put it into words, you must go see for yourself! 

Why You Should Study Abroad

Why You Should Study Abroad

The  Euphoria of "Loving Yourself"

The Euphoria of "Loving Yourself"