
Welcome to the official blog of AMDA at Auburn University.

This blog was created to showcase the creative talent within the Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and give students a platform to express themselves. Enjoy!

Threads of Creativity: Exploring the World of Apparel Design vs. Apparel Merchandising

Threads of Creativity: Exploring the World of Apparel Design vs. Apparel Merchandising

Apparel Design is centered around the creative aspects of manufacturing clothing. It involves conceptualization, garment production, and design. In this realm of fashion, there is an emphasis on the importance of creativity, knowledge of textiles, sewing, pattern making, and proficiently using design software. As a designer, it is your responsibility to stay up to date with fashion trends, oversee the production process, and create masterpieces. Designers have the most hands-on experience with the clothing.


On the other hand, Apparel Merchandising centers on the business side of the fashion industry. It involves planning, buying, and selling to meet the needs of consumers. There is a strong emphasis on analytical skills, marketing, and understanding consumer behavior. It is your job to stay up to date on market trends. It is important to be proficient in data analysis, merchandising software, and inventory management systems. Merchandisers manage inventory, develop pricing strategies and promotions, and coordinate with designers to ensure availability and quality. Some careers in merchandising include merchandise planner, buyer, retail manager, and visual merchandiser.


Designers work with merchandisers to create items that merchandisers plan to sell, ensuring designs align with market trends and consumer preferences. Merchandisers provide invaluable feedback to designers which helps them refine their work. Understanding both aspects that drive the fashion industry will help you have a more well-rounded view of how apparel is created and sold.


As a double major in supply chain and apparel merchandising, I often get asked why I chose to major in apparel merchandising as well. Freshman year, I discovered the apparel merchandising major through a few friends, and I realized it aligned perfectly with my passion for fashion. Personally, I am more interested in the business side of fashion rather than the creative side. This guided me to choose apparel merchandising instead of apparel design. Declaring a major in apparel merchandising was a natural choice because it closely correlates with my supply chain major.


Apparel merchandising and supply chain management are closely interconnected, as the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain significantly impact the success of merchandising strategies in the apparel industry. They correlate through inventory management, lead times, cost control, quality control, sustainability, risk management, and technology integration. Both majors play an important role in the consumer experience. I have learned beneficial information in both course curriculums, which will help me in my future career. I am fortunate enough at Auburn to be surrounded by incredible resources and challenging coursework. Auburn has allowed me to pursue my passions while attaining a great education. I am eager to see what the future holds for me and my career after my time at Auburn!

What Does Lip Balm Tell Us About Our Economy?

What Does Lip Balm Tell Us About Our Economy?

From Auburn to Industry

From Auburn to Industry