
Welcome to the official blog of AMDA at Auburn University.

This blog was created to showcase the creative talent within the Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and give students a platform to express themselves. Enjoy!

Sweeping the Sunday Scaries Away

Sweeping the Sunday Scaries Away

Do you have a love/hate relationship with Sundays? For me, Sunday evenings equal anxiety and panic.

 It was not until this year when I discovered what the Sunday scaries were and how I pretty much experience this feeling at the end of most weeks. Sunday scaries is the term used to describe our feelings of the weekend coming to an end and all our responsibilities for the upcoming week beginning to flood and overwhelm our minds.

Here are a couple of ways I have learned to sweep the Sunday scaries away:

Tidy Up

Take the time to clean your space. The feeling of a clean space will allow you to start your week feeling prepared. Dedicate this day to doing laundry and cleaning your room or desk/workspace. I’ve noticed throughout the week I find it very hard to devote time to clean my clothes. Sometimes by doing laundry on the weekends, I feel that much more productive by having something I can check off my to-do list.


Taking care of yourself is the best way to develop confidence and a healthy routine. Whether it be painting your nails, lighting a candle, washing your hair, journaling, or reading, it is important to make time for self-care to rest, reflect, and serve others well. Two of my favorite self-care tasks are to buy myself flowers from Kroger and to do my full skin-care routine.

Look Over Your Week

Take a peek at what you have planned for the upcoming week. I know sometimes this idea can be a bit overwhelming but it is so helpful later. Try looking at your month first by adding any new events or due dates, and then week by week you can check to see what you need to add to your to-do list. Being prepared can help decrease anxiety that we all start to feel half-way through the week.

Plan to Treat Yourself to Something During the Week

It’s always fun to look forward to something. Every Monday morning, I always treat myself to either a coffee from Starbucks or coffee from a local coffee shop. Something about treating myself on a Monday increases my motivation for the week and overall happiness. Some other ways to treat yourself could be buying a new outfit, roaming around Target, going on a hot girl walk, or baking yourself a sweet treat.

Prioritize Sleep

Sleep is SO important! It is easy to forget that a good night’s sleep helps with your memory and can affect your happiness levels. Sleep is another form of self-care that is worth taking seriously.

Overall, having a good Sunday mindset is key to starting your week on the right foot. It’s all about managing your time well and planning how you will spend it.

“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

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