
Welcome to the official blog of AMDA at Auburn University.

This blog was created to showcase the creative talent within the Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and give students a platform to express themselves. Enjoy!

Reinventing Nostalgia

Reinventing Nostalgia

Often, people find that the transition to fall weather with crisp cold air and autumn colored leaves can initiate feelings of reflection or reminiscence. It is fascinating how we hold the power to turn things that happened in the past into something new. These feelings of nostalgia can open routes that allow a beautiful form of expressed individuality. Recently, I have been brainstorming a few ways to use nostalgia to inspire my style and my projects.

1. Look through old photos

I know we have all caught ourselves scrolling through our camera roll, and experiencing whatever emotions come with it. Look at some old photos. What were you into at the time? Incorporate your old style into your new style to create something new.

2. Reach out to a friend or family member you haven’t heard from in a while.

We have all let relationships slip through our fingers. Intentional or not, people grow apart as time passes. Reaching out to an old connection and making new memories can bring new inspiration into your life.

3. Get some fresh air and reflect.

Take a moment to breathe. We can get wrapped up in our current stressors and forget to take moments for ourselves. Let the memories come to you and think about how they have shaped you as a person. Our experiences drive our style and each person has their unique story.

4. Listen to an old playlist.

I could pick any playlist on my phone and remember the exact time I made it and where I was in life at that time. Take some time and listen to an old playlist. Think about the memories you have associated with those songs. How can you draw inspiration from them.

5. Try not to hide from yourself.

Lastly, and most importantly, when you feel yourself overcome with nostalgia, embrace it. We have all had different lives, and I think it is important to be proud of that. When you enter campus to a sea of T-shirts and leggings it can be hard to put yourself out there with a more unique outfit. We have all walked different paths and that has landed us at our current personality and style. This fall, I encourage you to dig into the experiences that have made you who you are and wear them proudly as you navigate your daily life.

The Inspiration Behind Upcoming Designer Collections

The Inspiration Behind Upcoming Designer Collections

Checking in at Guest in Residence

Checking in at Guest in Residence