
Welcome to the official blog of AMDA at Auburn University.

This blog was created to showcase the creative talent within the Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and give students a platform to express themselves. Enjoy!

Lifestyle Senior Editor - Staff Spotlight

Lifestyle Senior Editor - Staff Spotlight


Meet Natalie Lau! She will be a senior this upcoming school year majoring in Apparel Merchandising. She is serving as Senior Lifestyle Editor for SWATCH and PR / Creative Chair for AMDA. She is the face behind all of AMDA’s social media posts and is key to both AMDA’s and SWATCH’s success! Head over to our Instagram account (@swatchbyamda) to see more from Natalie as well as her personal account @natalie14lau! Check out our Q&A with Natalie below. 

Tell us about yourself!

My name is Natalie Lau. I am a rising senior majoring in apparel merchandising and minoring in marketing. I am from Atlanta, GA. I am the Senior Lifestyle Editor for SWATCH and the PR / Creative Chair for AMDA. 


What does your dream job in fashion look like? 

My dream job would be to work alongside a luxury designer in product development. In this role I can help a designer's vision come to life. I would also love to start my career in NYC, Paris, or Milan.

What inspired you to study fashion in college & why?

I have always loved fashion but I never thought I could make a career out of it. While applying to schools I was able to meet people within the fashion industry. Learning about their experiences, I knew this is what I wanted to make a career out of.

What are you most excited about for SWATCH this upcoming school year? 

I have been interning this summer for Retrofete and have been able to work on many photoshoots. It has been an incredible experience. I am excited to organize and execute an entire photoshoot alongside our SWATCH team.


Connect with Natalie on her LinkedIn page below, and make sure to check out her Spotify playlist and Pinterest board. We can’t wait to work and collaborate with her this year on SWATCH projects!

Beauty Senior Editor - Staff Spotlight

Beauty Senior Editor - Staff Spotlight