
Welcome to the official blog of AMDA at Auburn University.

This blog was created to showcase the creative talent within the Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and give students a platform to express themselves. Enjoy!

Beauty Senior Editor - Staff Spotlight

Beauty Senior Editor - Staff Spotlight


Meet Younga “Jenna” Jung! She will be a senior this upcoming school year studying apparel merchandising. She is serving as the Senior Beauty Editor for SWATCH and Treasurer for AMDA. She is a valued member of our team and has written some incredible articles related to the beauty industry. We are looking forward to working with her this year, check out our Q&A with her below!

Tell us about yourself!
My name is Younga “Jenna” Jung and I’m from Seoul, South Korea. I’m majoring in apparel merchandising with a minor in business. I am the Senior Beauty Editor of SWATCH and the Treasurer of AMDA. 

What does your dream job in fashion look like?

I am interested in a wide range of areas in the fashion industry, but my ultimate goal is to work in sustainable fashion that contributes to the environment. 

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What inspired you to study fashion in college & why? 

I’ve always been the smaller one among my friends, so I cared a lot about styling clothes that would help me look a little taller. I am inspired by a lot of different styles from people walking on the street and from social networks, magazines, etc. This became a little spark and I got more and more into the fashion industry. Since the apparel merchandising program got my attention more than the apparel design program, I ended up studying apparel merchandising abroad.  

What are you most excited about for SWATCH this upcoming school year? 

I am so excited to publish the fall SWATCH magazine. I hope all of our AMDA members can join and help create outstanding results!  

You can keep up with Jenna on her LinkedIn page and our Instagram page @swatchbyamda, as well as her own personal page @zeroayaoa. Make sure to take a look at her Spotify playlist and Pinterest board! We are so excited to see Jenna’s work and ideas come to life this year.

Your Guide to Sustainable Film

Your Guide to Sustainable Film

Lifestyle Senior Editor - Staff Spotlight

Lifestyle Senior Editor - Staff Spotlight