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5 Things to Know Before Studying Abroad

5 Things to Know Before Studying Abroad

Last summer in 2022, I studied abroad during the month of July in Paris, France. I finished my French minor while I was over there, and I made so many memories that I will never forget. Traveling to a different country for the first time can be nerve-racking, exciting, and scary all at once. It’s impossible to fully prepare yourself for something you’ve never done before, so here are 5 tips/things to know for studying abroad!  

Do Your Research and Ask Questions 

There is SO much to learn about another country; it can be overwhelming. My advice would be to read articles, watch YouTube videos, and keep up with news on wherever you’re traveling to in the months before you leave. This can be so beneficial in making your transition to living temporarily in a new country easier. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, even if they seem silly!  

Leave Extra Room in Your Luggage 

You might be thinking, “Why leave extra room? There’s so much stuff I want to bring, what about all of my outfits?” As easy as it is to overpack, it’s better to pack just what you need, and buy things while you’re there such as new clothes, souvenirs, and things to remember your travels by! I ended up buying more stuff than I expected and actually left things I brought from home to bring everything else back. Of course, you could always buy another bag, but you won’t regret leaving some extra space for your mementos.  

Plan Ahead 

Time is a funny thing. At times, life feels like it’s moving in slow motion, and then all of a sudden it’s Christmas and the New Year. One thing I wish I did before my trip was plan out the places I wanted to see and things I wanted to do before I got there. For example, if you go ahead and plan an activity for a specific weekend while you’re there, you’re likely to be less stressed and save some money.  

 Try New Foods and Experiences  

You’re studying abroad!! This can be a once in a lifetime opportunity, and you should soak it all in. Try new foods, choose new experiences, practice the language, and make new friends. Do things on a whim and go on adventures. Eating escargot at a cafe by the Seine before watching fireworks shoot out of the Eiffel Tower on le 14 juillet (Bastille Day) is something I never thought I’d do. There will be so much for you to experience that you cannot do or get in the US.

Appreciate the Small Moments 

If there’s one thing I miss the most about studying abroad, it’s the beauty of being in a foreign place and appreciating the simple moments. Whether it was the walk to school with my friends (who I met and became so close with while in Paris), riding the metro, picnicking by the Eiffel Tower, practicing our French with locals, or just walking around the city, I will always remember my time abroad. You will make mistakes, have tough days, and potentially feel homesick, but remember to slow down and appreciate the little things as some of them might end up being your favorite memories.  

There will be things you won’t know and learn until you experience it for yourself. Going into it with an open mind and positive attitude is a sure way of having the best time ever.  

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