
Welcome to the official blog of AMDA at Auburn University.

This blog was created to showcase the creative talent within the Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and give students a platform to express themselves. Enjoy!

New York State of Mind

New York State of Mind

Strolling along the streets of New York for a week brings fresh inspiration. Every corner I turned, I found someone who radiated a different vibe than the person before- that is the beauty of New York. There’s nostalgia yet newness from hairstyles to nail colors, to skincare. With that, here are a few contrasting looks and trends that caught my eye.  


Thin Eyebrows 

The return of 90’s and 2000’s skinny eyebrows are back! I am not telling you to run and grab your tweezers, but if you see someone rocking the thin eyebrows give them snaps for their dedication. You can also achieve this look by using concealer to carve out your brows to appear thinner instead of plucking them!  

Sharp Bobs and Low Ponytails 

I have seen many people stunting blunt bobs and low ponytails and it feels like a breath of fresh hair. These two styles tend to have a bad reputation, but with an ounce of courage and a little glow of confidence you’ll be on your way to rocking them too! If you are debating about cutting your hair, do it! You will not regret it. Questioning the low ponytail? Try it out; you might find it to be your new go-to look.  

 Minimal Nails 

Coming out of an era of bold nail colors and designs, emerges minimal and natural nail looks which I can get behind. We are a generation who preaches to come as you are, so it is no surprise that natural nail colors are being seen everywhere. Tell your nail tech you want your nail color to match the color of your natural nail and thank me later!  

 Glass Complexion  

To continue with our generation’s mantra, we want to see who you are. Whether you feel the most confident wearing a lot of makeup, or none at all, our generation accepts you any which way you come. The glass complexion is not about having perfect, clear skin. It is about having a glow from within. Below are a few of my favorite products to achieve this look! 

All Over Blush and Dark Lip Liner  

The “all over blush” trend is starting to appear as a summer staple. What’s not to love? You get the sun-kissed look without the skin damage! On the contrary, there is the rise of the dark lip liner paired with a light lip shade in the center. The nostalgic lip combo is quickly sweeping the streets, especially in New York. Wear them separately or wear them together; you cannot go wrong! 


A Day in the Life of a NYC Intern

A Day in the Life of a NYC Intern

Online Stores with Sustainable Swimsuits + How to Style Them 

Online Stores with Sustainable Swimsuits + How to Style Them