Thoughts on a Beauty Refrigerator…
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During this past year, I have seen an increase in influencers and bloggers posting about a skincare or beauty refrigerator. I kind of dismissed it and did not think about it too much until I saw one at my friend’s house. It was tiny, pink, and so adorable; the mini ‘Frigidaire’ was the perfect retro touch to her pink and white bathroom. Naturally, I asked her all about it- what she put inside, how often she used it, etc. and she let me try out the different products that she had been cooling inside.
The first item I tried was the Youth to the People Superfood Cleanser. The cleanser itself was amazing as it felt extremely soothing and cold when I first put it on my skin. It definitely felt more refreshing than a room temp cleanser, and I loved the way my skin felt a little bit tighter afterwards. One thing to note is that not all cleansers will be able to fit in one of these fridges if you decide to get one, but you could definitely put a mini or travel sized one on the top shelf. Next I tried a pineapple vitamin c serum. I will say that of all the products I have tried in the fridge, I think that serums do the best cold. First of all, they actually really get cold. I researched a little bit, and refrigerating your products does not change any of the benefits of the actual product; however, it definitely speeds up the de-puffing process and can help to wake up your skin in the morning. After trying the serum, I used one of her eye creams and also her moisturizer. I cannot remember which brands she had, but these two products I felt the least difference in. Maybe it depends on the packaging, but it did not seem like either of these got very cold.
After trying out these items, I really loved them and ended up getting a fridge of my own. I put all of my face and eye masks in there, along with my pink jade roller, and I think that it is the perfect treat for your face after a long and stressful day. I also love cooling my favorite lip balm that I have talked about in previous posts. There is something about cool products touching your skin that just feels so good!
Overall, I would rate the beauty fridge 9/10. I love mine and think it is so great! However, it is completely not necessary, so I am taking away one point for that factor! Here are some beauty fridges in multiple colors if you want to browse. I am also going to link some cheaper jade roller options and serums to try out!