
Welcome to the official blog of AMDA at Auburn University.

This blog was created to showcase the creative talent within the Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and give students a platform to express themselves. Enjoy!

Living Simply and Sustainably in College

Living Simply and Sustainably in College

Living sustainably in college seems difficult but making small changes to your lifestyle can have a larger-than-life impact. Our generation has become a catalyst to the sustainability movement. We have acknowledged that our actions can have an impact on the world around us. The thought that even small action won’t make a difference is hard to believe. If we all contribute as much as we can be the change. 

Changing your habits and lifestyle can be difficult but here are a few things to add to your day in favor of the planet. 


1. Start recycling and create a compost pile. For those who live in houses this may be easier. Create a compost pile outside of your house and purchase a new trash bin to recycle in. For those who live in apartments, try to contact building management. Put together reasons a recycling program could benefit the building. 

 2. Another thing you can do is cut down on your plastic use. For example, bring your own reusable bags to the grocery store. 

3. At the beginning of every school year try to purchase recycled materials. For example, Amazon Prime Students allows students to rent books for cheap and send them back when their class ends. I have done this for a number of years, and it is a great way to avoid school clutter and accumulating a collection of textbooks. 

4. Try and use a reusable coffee cup for your morning coffee. If you are like me, you have to have a cup of coffee every morning before class. I am guilty of going to Starbucks a lot, but there are other options. For example, if you love Starbucks every morning consider purchasing one of their reusable cups. These are great and machine washable and safe. You just bring them to the counter, and they will put your drink order into it. 

5.  Purchasing used clothing is a great way to do your part. Lately, thrift and vintage shopping has been extremely popular. I love vintage shopping because you can find great pieces. I recommend shopping at local thrift stores and shopping at online stores like The Real Real for more higher end vintage pieces. 

6. If you do anything, just vote. As young people we have an obligation to put those in power that will make a difference.

Summer Intern Interviews

Summer Intern Interviews

Products That Changed my Life

Products That Changed my Life