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How to Network in the Age of COVID

How to Network in the Age of COVID

I think we can all remember the chaos that hit when the pandemic first began. Millions of lives were lost. People were getting laid-off from their jobs, and the economy tanked. As grateful as I am to have my health and family and friends still with me, there was definitely an anxiety that I am sure many college students resonated with, and that fear was will I be able to get a job after college? With the pandemic in full swing and declining state of the economy, it really seemed that there was no end in sight. However, despite all the negative events that happened, a lot of good came out of it. For example, technological advances were expedited as people were forced to be creative in the ways that they had to adapt to this new environment. With novel ideas such as virtual career fairs and professional development webinars entering the professional field, I was starting to see how I could use this virtual age to my advantage. Taking the lessons I have learned since this discovery, I will be discussing ways in which you can navigate the digital world in order to network and have best chances of landing internships and job opportunities despite everything being remote!

Virtual Career Fairs

COVID has led to the creation of virtual career fairs, and I think this is really amazing because it can actually help you be more prepared to speak with recruiters. When we go to career fairs in person, it can be hectic as many people are competing to speak with the same companies, and then when it is finally your turn you may be overwhelmed and not know what to say. Attending virtually allows you to sit in the comfort of your home before you enter the chat with a recruiter, and instead of being overwhelmed by the mayhem that usually comes with career fairs, you can rehearse what you want to say ahead of time. If you want to be really prepared, you can even have a Word doc open with bullet points of what you plan on saying to the recruiter. Meeting in person can already bring about anxiety, but being remote at least gives you the chance to participate in the career fair more comfortably. By using the virtual experience to your advantage, you are still able to make those meaningful connections with potential employers. Make sure to type in the chat box and exchange your contact info with the recruiter. After you get off the video call with the recruiter, it also helps to follow up with them by sending a nice email thanking the recruiter for their time. If you do this, it will leave a lasting impression and make it more likely that they will remember you once you begin the application process!

Professional Development Webinars

Now more than ever, there is an ample amount of professional development resources to be utilized. Programs like the National Retail Federation, the Fashion Scholarship Fund, and Kohl’s University are just a few examples of programs that offer a plethora of professional development workshops where you can speak with industry leaders and hear the advice they have to offer. When attending these webinars, make sure to come prepared with a notepad and pen. Write down any information you think will be useful currently or later in your career. Make sure to have your camera on and dress professionally as you would in person. When it’s time for the hosts to answer questions from the audience, unmute your mic and don’t be shy to ask a question. It will surely make you stand out, and if you really like the speaker, be sure to connect with them on LinkedIn afterwards. Just because everything is remote doesn’t mean it should stop you from connecting with others. The people you meet online are just as valuable as connections you make in person in regards to networking. You truly never know who you are talking to or what they could do for you; without realizing it, you may be talking to your future employer!

Virtual Interviews  

I think that it is amazing that despite all the craziness that ensued because of COVID, companies are still trying to make an effort to hold interviews for future employees, especially those applicants coming right out of college. However, virtual interviews are not as new as virtual career fairs and professional development webinars because phone and Skype interviews were still commonplace. However, because of COVID, no matter which company you are interviewing with, near or far, it is most likely going to be online. Therefore, I believe it is really important to discuss how to navigate a virtual interview. Like a regular in-person interview, it is very important you look up common interview questions ahead of time and repeatedly practice what you are going to say. Be sure to have questions ready to ask your interviewer, as you want to make sure that this company is a good fit for you as well. However, an advantage you have with a virtual interview versus in-person is that you can have another window on your screen open with talking points you may want to hit during your interview. Another tip I have is to dress to impress, at least on the top. You may be able to get away with wearing pj pants on the bottom, but just make sure to never get up for whatever reason during the interview!


Now that everything has moved online, you don’t get the chance to hand employers your resume or business card like how we once used to. That is why it is super important that your LinkedIn is up-to-date and completed. LinkedIn is a great way for you to showcase and brand yourself so that you can make your page attractive to potential employers. You can really use this time to pick a nice background and take an amazing headshot. Attach any projects or articles you have completed under the “Media” section to show off your work. Also be sure to list all experiences and coursework that you have taken. Posting often on your LinkedIn can also help you increase your connections as it might show up on other people’s feeds who are not already connected with you. Utilizing hashtags in your post can also help increase your views on your LinkedIn post. You may also want to make sure that your resume is attached to your LinkedIn profile as this makes it easier for your connections to access. LinkedIn also has a special feature where it recommends connections of people who go to the same school as you, have the same major as you, or have worked at the same company as you. LinkedIn has made it easier than ever to build your network, so make sure to use this feature and connect with others!

COVID has affected everyone in different ways, but when it comes to finding your dream internship or job, do not let it stop you! There are ways to overcome this hurdle; you just have to use this new virtual age to your advantage. Come to think about it, this might be one of the best times for you to start your career. The world is changing incredibly fast, and navigating how to network during COVID really gives us the ability to adapt and be open to change. I hope that with these tips on how to network in the age of COVID, you are able to build your network and still be successful in your professional development journey. Good luck!

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