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Candy Hall of Fame

Candy Hall of Fame

Halloween has never been a favorite holiday of mine. I often struggle to come up with the perfect costume because I aim for something that is not too basic, yet still doable. In addition, I am not that into the spooky season. I tend to be easily scared of horror movies and haunted houses. However, there is one aspect of Halloween that I do love: candy! I can confidently say that I have never met anyone with as big of a sweet tooth as myself. I could eat desserts for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. When it comes to sweet treats I also opt for the sweetest option possible, for example, anything cotton candy or birthday cake flavored. For those reasons, I am qualified to be talking about the most popular Halloween candies.

Based on the top-selling Halloween candies of the 2010’s, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and M&M’s are a clear favorite. In my opinion, buying M&M’s to hand out to trick-or-treaters is a safe bet. As long as you like chocolate, you are bound to like M&M’s. Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are a little bit more exciting, with their chocolate peanut butter combination. They also have iconic seasonal shapes, including pumpkins. While chocolate candies reigned most popular, Skittles are not far behind. Along with providing a needed break from chocolate, Skittles are the perfect candy to snack on. 

While doing research I also found what the most popular Halloween candies were in each state from 2023. In Alabama, Skittles were the most popular. Living in Alabama, I can see how that could be accurate. Overall, there was a wide range of candies across the map. New Mexico and North Dakota’s most popular candy was Hot Tamales which I found interesting. I love Hot Tamales but I always thought I was the only one who enjoyed them. Candy Corn was ranked number one for Utah, however, it was the least favorite amongst other states. 

After searching for the most popular Halloween candies, I have also narrowed down my personal favorites. In terms of chocolate candies, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and Almond Joys are what I would reach for. Almond Joys can be very hit or miss for some people, but I love the chocolate and coconut combination. Regarding fruity candy, Laffy Taffy, Blow Pops, and Nerds are all high on my list. Along with my favorite candies, I also have least favorites. Swedish Fish, Butterfingers, and Milk Duds have never appealed to me. At the end of the day, I would eat most candy if it was in front of me, and Halloween presents the perfect opportunity!

1969 Rabanne Nano Bag: The Most Expensive Bag in the World

1969 Rabanne Nano Bag: The Most Expensive Bag in the World