
Welcome to the official blog of AMDA at Auburn University.

This blog was created to showcase the creative talent within the Apparel Merchandising and Design Association and give students a platform to express themselves. Enjoy!

3 Things to Know Before Studying Abroad

3 Things to Know Before Studying Abroad

Before studying abroad I didn’t know exactly what to expect. I had a million questions. Some were as simple as packing questions, but some I would only find the answer to through experiencing them for myself. There is certainly magic to be found in the unknown. However, I would like to share three things I think everyone should know before studying abroad. 

1.) The people you meet will be equally as special as the places you will see. 

If your study abroad program is anything like mine was, you will be spending nearly every second with your classmates. Being together this much while navigating a new country together creates one-of-a-kind friendships. You will get close to those around you fast. You will share laughs, cries, and amazing memories together. These friendships, I did not realize at the time, would be even more special and memorable than the places themselves. 

2.) Sometimes the small moments will be the most memorable. 

I have been home from my program for a couple weeks now. I expected to miss the extravagant places we went and things that we did the most, however, it’s the little things I find myself reminiscing on. I miss my morning routine of getting a croissant and cappuccino from my town’s quaint local café. I miss watching the beautiful sunsets down by the belvedere with my friends. Presently, these moments seemed small. However, they are some of my fondest memories from the semester. 

3.) You will have hard days, but the great days will make you forget them. 

I think sometimes studying abroad is portrayed unrealistically. What I mean by this, is that from the outside, it all kind of looks like one big fairytale. This is not the reality. Adjusting to a new country with new people is difficult. You will face culture shock, hard days, and sometimes, you may question if you made the right decision to study abroad. However, the great days and amazing moments will far outweigh any hardships you face. It will be difficult to put into words the special moments you will have. These moments you can’t explain will be kept forever in your heart. 

You don’t need to know much before studying abroad. Go into it with a positive attitude and open-heart, and you will have an amazing experience. These are a few things to keep in mind, which will hopefully get you excited (as you should be) about studying abroad!

What’s In My Cart: Summer Internship Edition

What’s In My Cart: Summer Internship Edition

The Boldest and Orangest for SS22

The Boldest and Orangest for SS22